# AWF firmware (by [@ItzAdel](https://github.com/ItzAdel) and [@nm17](https://github.com/nm17)) AWF is a ergo-split keyboard with 46 keys, originally designed for a school project. https://github.com/ItzAdel/AWF-firmware ### How to compile firmware? 1) First you need to download QMK MSYS and enter the command in it: ``` qmk setup ``` 2) After we installed QMK you need to create a folder called "angelwings" in the path: ``` "c:/users/user/qmk_firmware/keyboards" ``` and unpack all firmware files into the folder "angelwings". 3) The last step is compilation. Enter into QMK MSYS command: ``` qmk compile -kb angelwings -km default ``` or if you want VIA port: ``` qmk compile -kb angelwings -km via ``` 4) If your firmware compiled - then let's have fun! ### Check out @tfk004 on Telegram. https://t.me/tfk004