<div align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi/blob/main/assets/logo.png?raw=true" alt="Yazi logo" width="20%">

<h3 align="center">
	Gruvbox Dark Flavor for <a href="https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi">Yazi</a>

## 👀 Preview

<img src="preview.png" width="600" />

## 🎨 Installation

ya pack -a bennyyip/gruvbox-dark

## ⚙️ Usage

Add the these lines to your `theme.toml` configuration file to use it:

dark = "gruvbox-dark"

## 📜 License

The flavor is MIT-licensed, and the included tmTheme is also MIT-licensed.

Check the [LICENSE](LICENSE) and [LICENSE-tmtheme](LICENSE-tmtheme) file for more details.