local selected_or_hovered = ya.sync(function() local tab, paths = cx.active, {} for _, u in pairs(tab.selected) do paths[#paths + 1] = tostring(u) end if #paths == 0 and tab.current.hovered then paths[1] = tostring(tab.current.hovered.url) end return paths end) return { entry = function() ya.manager_emit("escape", { visual = true }) local urls = selected_or_hovered() if #urls == 0 then return ya.notify { title = "Chmod", content = "No file selected", level = "warn", timeout = 5 } end local value, event = ya.input { title = "Chmod:", position = { "top-center", y = 3, w = 40 }, } if event ~= 1 then return end local status, err = Command("chmod"):arg(value):args(urls):spawn():wait() if not status or not status.success then ya.notify { title = "Chmod", content = string.format("Chmod with selected files failed, exit code %s", status and status.code or err), level = "error", timeout = 5, } end end, }