export AUTO_NOTIFY_VERSION="0.10.2" # Time it takes for a notification to expire [[ -z "$AUTO_NOTIFY_EXPIRE_TIME" ]] && export AUTO_NOTIFY_EXPIRE_TIME=8000 # Threshold in seconds for when to automatically show a notification [[ -z "$AUTO_NOTIFY_THRESHOLD" ]] && export AUTO_NOTIFY_THRESHOLD=10 # List of commands/programs to ignore sending notifications for [[ -z "$AUTO_NOTIFY_IGNORE" ]] && export AUTO_NOTIFY_IGNORE=( 'vim' 'nvim' 'less' 'more' 'man' 'tig' 'watch' 'git commit' 'top' 'htop' 'ssh' 'nano' ) function _auto_notify_format() { local MESSAGE="$1" local command="$2" local elapsed="$3" local exit_code="$4" MESSAGE="${MESSAGE//\%command/$command}" MESSAGE="${MESSAGE//\%elapsed/$elapsed}" MESSAGE="${MESSAGE//\%exit_code/$exit_code}" printf "%s" "$MESSAGE" } function _auto_notify_message() { local command="$1" local elapsed="$2" local exit_code="$3" local platform="$(uname)" # Run using echo -e in order to make sure notify-send picks up new line local DEFAULT_TITLE="\"%command\" Completed" local DEFAULT_BODY="$(echo -e "Total time: %elapsed seconds\nExit code: %exit_code")" local title="${AUTO_NOTIFY_TITLE:-$DEFAULT_TITLE}" local text="${AUTO_NOTIFY_BODY:-$DEFAULT_BODY}" title="$(_auto_notify_format "$title" "$command" "$elapsed" "$exit_code")" body="$(_auto_notify_format "$text" "$command" "$elapsed" "$exit_code")" if [[ "$platform" == "Linux" ]]; then local urgency="normal" local transient="--hint=int:transient:1" local icon=${AUTO_NOTIFY_ICON_SUCCESS:-""} # Exit code 130 is returned when a process is terminated with SIGINT. # Since the user is already interacting with the program, there is no # need to make the notification persistent. if [[ "$exit_code" != "0" ]] && [[ "$exit_code" != "130" ]]; then urgency="critical" transient="" icon=${AUTO_NOTIFY_ICON_FAILURE:-""} fi local arguments=("$title" "$body" "--app-name=zsh" "$transient" "--urgency=$urgency" "--expire-time=$AUTO_NOTIFY_EXPIRE_TIME") if [[ -n "$icon" ]]; then arguments+=("--icon=$icon") fi notify-send ${arguments[@]} elif [[ "$platform" == "Darwin" ]]; then osascript \ -e 'on run argv' \ -e 'display notification (item 1 of argv) with title (item 2 of argv)' \ -e 'end run' \ "$body" "$title" else printf "Unknown platform for sending notifications: $platform\n" printf "Please post an issue on gitub.com/MichaelAquilina/zsh-auto-notify/issues/\n" fi } function _is_auto_notify_ignored() { local command="$1" # split the command if its been piped one or more times local command_list=("${(@s/|/)command}") local target_command="${command_list[-1]}" # Remove leading whitespace target_command="$(echo "$target_command" | sed -e 's/^ *//')" # If the command is being run over SSH, then ignore it if [[ -n ${SSH_CLIENT-} || -n ${SSH_TTY-} || -n ${SSH_CONNECTION-} ]]; then print "yes" return fi # Remove sudo prefix from command if detected if [[ "$target_command" == "sudo "* ]]; then target_command="${target_command/sudo /}" fi # If AUTO_NOTIFY_WHITELIST is defined, then auto-notify will ignore # any item not defined in the white list # Otherwise - the alternative (default) approach is used where the # AUTO_NOTIFY_IGNORE blacklist is used to ignore commands if [[ -n "$AUTO_NOTIFY_WHITELIST" ]]; then for allowed in $AUTO_NOTIFY_WHITELIST; do if [[ "$target_command" == "$allowed"* ]]; then print "no" return fi done print "yes" else for ignore in $AUTO_NOTIFY_IGNORE; do if [[ "$target_command" == "$ignore"* ]]; then print "yes" return fi done print "no" fi } function _auto_notify_send() { # Immediately store the exit code before it goes away local exit_code="$?" if [[ -z "$AUTO_COMMAND" && -z "$AUTO_COMMAND_START" ]]; then return fi if [[ "$(_is_auto_notify_ignored "$AUTO_COMMAND_FULL")" == "no" ]]; then local current="$(date +"%s")" let "elapsed = current - AUTO_COMMAND_START" if [[ $elapsed -gt $AUTO_NOTIFY_THRESHOLD ]]; then _auto_notify_message "$AUTO_COMMAND" "$elapsed" "$exit_code" fi fi # Empty tracking so that notifications are not # triggered for any commands not run (e.g ctrl+C when typing) _auto_notify_reset_tracking } function _auto_notify_track() { # $1 is the string the user typed, but only when history is enabled # $2 is a single-line, size-limited version of the command that is always available # To still do something useful when history is disabled, although with reduced functionality, fall back to $2 when $1 is empty AUTO_COMMAND="${1:-$2}" AUTO_COMMAND_FULL="$3" AUTO_COMMAND_START="$(date +"%s")" } function _auto_notify_reset_tracking() { # Command start time in seconds since epoch unset AUTO_COMMAND_START # Full command that the user has executed after alias expansion unset AUTO_COMMAND_FULL # Command that the user has executed unset AUTO_COMMAND } function disable_auto_notify() { add-zsh-hook -D preexec _auto_notify_track add-zsh-hook -D precmd _auto_notify_send } function enable_auto_notify() { autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook add-zsh-hook preexec _auto_notify_track add-zsh-hook precmd _auto_notify_send } _auto_notify_reset_tracking platform="$(uname)" if [[ "$platform" == "Linux" ]] && ! type notify-send > /dev/null; then printf "'notify-send' must be installed for zsh-auto-notify to work\n" printf "Please install it with your relevant package manager\n" else enable_auto_notify fi