-- TODO: remove this once v0.4 is released local v4 = function(typ, area, ...) if typ == "bar" then return ui.Table and ui.Bar(...):area(area) or ui.Bar(area, ...) else return ui.Table and ui.Border(...):area(area) or ui.Border(area, ...) end end local function setup(_, opts) local type = opts and opts.type or ui.Border.ROUNDED local old_build = Tab.build Tab.build = function(self, ...) local bar = function(c, x, y) if x <= 0 or x == self._area.w - 1 then return v4("bar", ui.Rect.default, ui.Bar.TOP) end return v4( "bar", ui.Rect { x = x, y = math.max(0, y), w = ya.clamp(0, self._area.w - x, 1), h = math.min(1, self._area.h) }, ui.Bar.TOP ):symbol(c) end local c = self._chunks self._chunks = { c[1]:padding(ui.Padding.y(1)), c[2]:padding(ui.Padding(c[1].w > 0 and 0 or 1, c[3].w > 0 and 0 or 1, 1, 1)), c[3]:padding(ui.Padding.y(1)), } local style = THEME.manager.border_style self._base = ya.list_merge(self._base or {}, { v4("border", self._area, ui.Border.ALL):type(type):style(style), v4("bar", self._chunks[1], ui.Bar.RIGHT):style(style), v4("bar", self._chunks[3], ui.Bar.LEFT):style(style), bar("┬", c[1].right - 1, c[1].y), bar("┴", c[1].right - 1, c[1].bottom - 1), bar("┬", c[2].right, c[2].y), bar("┴", c[2].right, c[2].bottom - 1), }) old_build(self, ...) end end return { setup = setup }