#include "fzftab.mdh" #include "fzftab.pro" #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> const char* get_color(char* file, const struct stat* sb); const char* colorize_from_mode(char* file, const struct stat* sb); const char* colorize_from_name(char* file); int compile_patterns(char* nam, char** list_colors); char* ftb_strcat(char* dst, int n, ...); /* Indixes into the terminal string arrays. */ #define COL_NO 0 #define COL_FI 1 #define COL_DI 2 #define COL_LN 3 #define COL_PI 4 #define COL_SO 5 #define COL_BD 6 #define COL_CD 7 #define COL_OR 8 #define COL_MI 9 #define COL_SU 10 #define COL_SG 11 #define COL_TW 12 #define COL_OW 13 #define COL_ST 14 #define COL_EX 15 #define COL_LC 16 #define COL_RC 17 #define COL_EC 18 #define COL_TC 19 #define COL_SP 20 #define COL_MA 21 #define COL_HI 22 #define COL_DU 23 #define COL_SA 24 #define NUM_COLS 25 /* Names of the terminal strings. */ static char* colnames[] = { "no", "fi", "di", "ln", "pi", "so", "bd", "cd", "or", "mi", "su", "sg", "tw", "ow", "st", "ex", "lc", "rc", "ec", "tc", "sp", "ma", "hi", "du", "sa", NULL }; /* Default values. */ static char* defcols[] = { "0", "0", "1;31", "1;36", "33", "1;35", "1;33", "1;33", NULL, NULL, "37;41", "30;43", "30;42", "34;42", "37;44", "1;32", "\033[", "m", NULL, "0", "0", "7", NULL, NULL, "0" }; static char* fzf_tab_module_version; struct pattern { Patprog pat; char color[50]; }; static int opt_list_type = OPT_INVALID; static int pat_cnt = 0; static struct pattern* name_color = NULL; static char mode_color[NUM_COLS][20]; // TODO: use ZLS_COLORS ? int compile_patterns(char* nam, char** list_colors) { int i, j; // clean old name_color and set pat_cnt = 0 if (pat_cnt != 0) { while (--pat_cnt) { freepatprog(name_color[pat_cnt].pat); } free(name_color); } // initialize mode_color with default value for (i = 0; i < NUM_COLS; i++) { if (defcols[i]) { strcpy(mode_color[i], defcols[i]); } } // empty array, just return if (list_colors == NULL) { return 0; } // how many pattens? while (list_colors[pat_cnt] != NULL) { pat_cnt++; } name_color = zshcalloc(pat_cnt * sizeof(struct pattern)); for (i = 0; i < pat_cnt; i++) { char* pat = ztrdup(list_colors[i]); char* color = strrchr(pat, '='); if (color == NULL) continue; *color = '\0'; tokenize(pat); remnulargs(pat); // mode=color bool skip = false; for (j = 0; j < NUM_COLS; j++) { if (strpfx(colnames[j], list_colors[i])) { strcpy(mode_color[j], color + 1); name_color[i].pat = NULL; skip = true; } } if (skip) { continue; } // name=color if ((name_color[i].pat = patcompile(pat, PAT_ZDUP, NULL))) { strcpy(name_color[i].color, color + 1); } free(pat); } return 0; } static char get_suffix(char* file, const struct stat* sb) { struct stat sb2; mode_t filemode = sb->st_mode; if (S_ISLNK(filemode)) if (strpfx(mode_color[COL_LN], "target")) { if (stat(file, &sb2) == -1) { return '@'; } return get_suffix(file, &sb2); } else { return '@'; } else return file_type(filemode); } const char* get_color(char* file, const struct stat* sb) { // no list-colors, return NULL if (pat_cnt == 0) { return NULL; } const char* ret; if ((ret = colorize_from_mode(file, sb)) || (ret = colorize_from_name(file))) { return ret; } return mode_color[COL_FI]; } const char* colorize_from_name(char* file) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pat_cnt; i++) { if (name_color && name_color[i].pat && pattry(name_color[i].pat, file)) { return name_color[i].color; } } return NULL; } const char* colorize_from_mode(char* file, const struct stat* sb) { struct stat sb2; switch (sb->st_mode & S_IFMT) { case S_IFDIR: return mode_color[COL_DI]; case S_IFLNK: { if (strpfx(mode_color[COL_LN], "target")) { if (stat(file, &sb2) == -1) { return mode_color[COL_OR]; } return get_color(file, &sb2); } } case S_IFIFO: return mode_color[COL_PI]; case S_IFSOCK: return mode_color[COL_SO]; case S_IFBLK: return mode_color[COL_BD]; case S_IFCHR: return mode_color[COL_CD]; default: break; } if (sb->st_mode & S_ISUID) { return mode_color[COL_SU]; } else if (sb->st_mode & S_ISGID) { return mode_color[COL_SG]; // tw ow st ?? } else if (sb->st_mode & S_IXUSR) { return mode_color[COL_EX]; } /* Check for suffix alias */ size_t len = strlen(file); /* shortest valid suffix format is a.b */ if (len > 2) { const char* suf = file + len - 1; while (suf > file + 1) { if (suf[-1] == '.') { if (sufaliastab->getnode(sufaliastab, suf)) { return mode_color[COL_SA]; } break; } suf--; } } return NULL; } struct { char** array; size_t len; size_t size; } ftb_compcap; // Usage: // initialize fzf-tab-generate-compcap -i // output to _ftb_compcap fzf-tab-generate-compcap -o // add a entry fzf-tab-generate-compcap word desc opts static int bin_fzf_tab_compcap_generate(char* nam, char** args, Options ops, UNUSED(int func)) { int i; if (OPT_ISSET(ops, 'o')) { // write final result to _ftb_compcap setaparam("_ftb_compcap", ftb_compcap.array); ftb_compcap.array = NULL; return 0; } else if (OPT_ISSET(ops, 'i')) { // init if (ftb_compcap.array) freearray(ftb_compcap.array); ftb_compcap.array = zshcalloc(1024 * sizeof(char*)); ftb_compcap.len = 0, ftb_compcap.size = 1024; return 0; } if (ftb_compcap.array == NULL) { zwarnnam(nam, "please initialize it first"); return 1; } // get paramaters char **words = getaparam(args[0]), **dscrs = getaparam(args[1]), *opts = getsparam(args[2]); if (!words || !dscrs || !opts) { zwarnnam(nam, "wrong argument"); return 1; } char *bs = metafy("\2", 1, META_DUP), *nul = metafy("\0word\0", 6, META_DUP); size_t dscrs_cnt = arrlen(dscrs); for (i = 0; words[i]; i++) { // TODO: replace '\n' char* dscr = i < dscrs_cnt ? dscrs[i] : words[i]; char *buffer = ftb_strcat(NULL, 5, dscr, bs, opts, nul, words[i]); ftb_compcap.array[ftb_compcap.len++] = buffer; if (ftb_compcap.len == ftb_compcap.size) { ftb_compcap.array = zrealloc(ftb_compcap.array, (1024 + ftb_compcap.size) * sizeof(char*)); ftb_compcap.size += 1024; memset(ftb_compcap.array + ftb_compcap.size - 1024, 0, 1024 * sizeof(char*)); } } zsfree(bs); zsfree(nul); return 0; } // cat n string, return the pointer to the new string // dst will be reallocated if is not big enough // if dst is NULL, it will be allocated char* ftb_strcat(char* dst, int n, ...) { int i, idx; va_list valist; va_start(valist, n); char* final = dst ? zrealloc(dst, 128) : zalloc(128); size_t size = 128, max_len = 128 - 1; dst = final; for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < n; i++) { char* src = va_arg(valist, char*); if (src == NULL) continue; for (; *src != '\0'; dst++, src++, idx++) { if (idx == max_len) { size += size / 2; final = zrealloc(final, size); max_len = size - 1; dst = &final[idx]; } *dst = *src; } } *dst = '\0'; va_end(valist); return final; } struct file_color { char *fc_begin; char *fc_end; char *sc; char *suffix; }; // accept an static struct file_color* fzf_tab_colorize(char* file) { struct file_color *fc = zalloc(sizeof(struct file_color)); file = unmeta(file); struct stat sb; if (lstat(file, &sb) == -1) { return NULL; } char suffix[2] = {0}; if (isset(opt_list_type)) { suffix[0] = get_suffix(file, &sb); } const char* color = get_color(file, &sb); char* symlink = NULL; const char* symcolor = ""; if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) { symlink = zshcalloc(PATH_MAX); size_t end = readlink(file, symlink, PATH_MAX); symlink[end] = '\0'; if (stat(file, &sb) == -1) { symcolor = mode_color[COL_OR]; } else { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; realpath(file, tmp); symcolor = get_color(file, &sb); } } if (color != NULL) { fc->fc_begin = ftb_strcat(NULL, 3, mode_color[COL_LC], color, mode_color[COL_RC]); fc->fc_end = ftb_strcat(NULL, 3, mode_color[COL_LC], "0", mode_color[COL_RC]); } else { fc->fc_begin = ztrdup(""); fc->fc_end = ztrdup(""); } fc->suffix = ztrdup(suffix); if (symlink != NULL) { fc->sc = ftb_strcat(NULL, 7, mode_color[COL_LC], symcolor, mode_color[COL_RC], symlink, mode_color[COL_LC], "0", mode_color[COL_RC]); free(symlink); } else { fc->sc = ztrdup(""); } fc->fc_begin = metafy(fc->fc_begin, -1, META_REALLOC); fc->fc_end = metafy(fc->fc_end, -1, META_REALLOC); fc->sc = metafy(fc->sc, -1, META_REALLOC); fc->suffix = metafy(fc->suffix, -1, META_REALLOC); return fc; } static int bin_fzf_tab_candidates_generate(char* nam, char** args, Options ops, UNUSED(int func)) { int i, j; if (OPT_ISSET(ops, 'i')) { // compile list_colors pattern if (*args == NULL) { zwarnnam(nam, "please specify an array"); return 1; } else { char** array = getaparam(*args); return compile_patterns(nam, array); } } char **ftb_compcap = getaparam("_ftb_compcap"), **group_colors = getaparam("group_colors"), *default_color = getsparam("default_color"), *prefix = getsparam("prefix"); size_t group_colors_len = arrlen(group_colors); size_t ftb_compcap_len = arrlen(ftb_compcap); char *bs = metafy("\b", 1, META_DUP), *nul = metafy("\0", 1, META_DUP), *soh = metafy("\2", 1, META_DUP); char **candidates = zshcalloc(sizeof(char*) * (ftb_compcap_len + 1)), *filepath = zshcalloc(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char)), *dpre = zshcalloc(128), *dsuf = zshcalloc(128); char* first_word = NULL; int same_word = 1; for (i = 0; i < ftb_compcap_len; i++) { char *word = "", *group = NULL, *realdir = NULL; strcpy(dpre, ""); strcpy(dsuf, ""); // extract all the variables what we need char** compcap = sepsplit(ftb_compcap[i], soh, 1, 0); char* desc = compcap[0]; char** info = sepsplit(compcap[1], nul, 1, 0); for (j = 0; info[j]; j += 2) { if (!strcmp(info[j], "word")) { word = info[j + 1]; // unquote word parse_subst_string(word); remnulargs(word); untokenize(word); } else if (!strcmp(info[j], "group")) { group = info[j + 1]; } else if (!strcmp(info[j], "realdir")) { realdir = info[j + 1]; } } // check if all the words are the same if (first_word == NULL) { first_word = ztrdup(word); } else if (same_word && strcmp(word, first_word) != 0) { same_word = 0; } // add character and color to describe the type of the files if (realdir) { filepath = ftb_strcat(filepath, 2, realdir, word); struct file_color *fc = fzf_tab_colorize(filepath); if (fc != NULL) { dpre = ftb_strcat(dpre, 2, fc->fc_end, fc->fc_begin); if (fc->sc[0] != '\0') { dsuf = ftb_strcat(dsuf, 4, fc->fc_end, fc->suffix, " -> ", fc->sc); } else { dsuf = ftb_strcat(dsuf, 2, fc->fc_end, fc->suffix); } if (dpre[0] != '\0') { setiparam("colorful", 1); } free(fc); } } char* result = zshcalloc(256 * sizeof(char)); // add color to description if they have group index if (group) { // use strtol ? int group_index = atoi(group); char* color = group_index >= group_colors_len ? "" : group_colors[group_index - 1]; // add prefix result = ftb_strcat( result, 11, group, bs, color, prefix, dpre, nul, group, bs, desc, nul, dsuf); } else { result = ftb_strcat(result, 6, default_color, dpre, nul, desc, nul, dsuf); } // quotedzputs(result, stdout); // putchar('\n'); candidates[i] = result; freearray(info); freearray(compcap); } setaparam("tcandidates", candidates); setiparam("same_word", same_word); zsfree(dpre); zsfree(dsuf); zsfree(filepath); zsfree(first_word); return 0; } static struct builtin bintab[] = { BUILTIN("fzf-tab-compcap-generate", 0, bin_fzf_tab_compcap_generate, 0, -1, 0, "io", NULL), BUILTIN("fzf-tab-candidates-generate", 0, bin_fzf_tab_candidates_generate, 0, -1, 0, "i", NULL), }; static struct paramdef patab[] = { STRPARAMDEF("FZF_TAB_MODULE_VERSION", &fzf_tab_module_version), }; // clang-format off static struct features module_features = { bintab, sizeof(bintab) / sizeof(*bintab), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, patab, sizeof(patab) / sizeof(*patab), 0, }; // clang-format on int setup_(UNUSED(Module m)) { return 0; } int features_(Module m, char*** features) { *features = featuresarray(m, &module_features); return 0; } int enables_(Module m, int** enables) { return handlefeatures(m, &module_features, enables); } int boot_(UNUSED(Module m)) { fzf_tab_module_version = ztrdup("0.2.2"); // different zsh version may have different value of list_type's index // so query it dynamically opt_list_type = optlookup("list_types"); return 0; } int cleanup_(UNUSED(Module m)) { return setfeatureenables(m, &module_features, NULL); } int finish_(UNUSED(Module m)) { printf("fzf-tab module unloaded.\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; }