# Tests for fzf tab.

  unset -m LC_\*
  langs=(en_{US,GB}.{UTF-,utf}8 en.UTF-8
         $(locale -a 2>/dev/null | egrep 'utf8|UTF-8'))
  for LANG in $langs; do
    if [[ é = ? ]]; then
  if [[ $OSTYPE = cygwin ]]; then
    ZTST_unimplemented="the zsh/zpty module does not work on Cygwin"
  elif ( zmodload zsh/zpty 2>/dev/null ); then
    . $ZTST_srcdir/comptest
    mkdir comp.tmp
    cd comp.tmp
    comptestinit -z zsh &&
      comptesteval 'compdef _tst tst'
      mkdir dir1 &&
      mkdir dir2 &&
      touch file1 &&
      touch file2
      touch dir1/file1
      git init
    ZTST_unimplemented="the zsh/zpty module is not available"

  comptesteval ". $ZTST_srcdir/../fzf-tab.zsh"
  comptesteval "zstyle ':fzf-tab:*' debug-command $ZTST_srcdir/select -n 1 -h '\$#_ftb_headers' -q '\"\$_ftb_query\"'"
  comptesteval '
  zstyle ":fzf-tab:*" default-color "<LC><C0><RC>"
  zstyle ":fzf-tab:*" single-group color header
  zstyle ":fzf-tab:*" group-colors "<LC><C1><RC>" "<LC><C2><RC>" "<LC><C3><RC>" "<LC><C4><RC>"
  fzf-tab-complete-with-report() {
    print -lr "<WIDGET><fzf-tab-complete>"
    zle fzf-tab-complete 2>&1
    zle clear-screen
    zle -R
  zle -N fzf-tab-complete-with-report
  bindkey "^I" fzf-tab-complete-with-report


  comptest $': \t'
0:directories and files
>line: {: dir1/}{}

  comptest $': d\t'
0:unambiguous prefix
>line: {: dir}{}

  comptesteval '_tst() { compadd ".#abc" ".#def" ".#hij" }'
  comptest $'tst ".#"\t'
0:unambiguous prefix in quote string
>line: {tst ".#abc }{"}

  comptesteval '_tst() { compadd /home /usr /lib; compstate[insert]=menu }'
  comptest $'tst \t'
0:force list
>line: {tst /home }{}

  comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*" menu true'
  comptest $': d\t'
>line: {: dir1/}{}

  comptesteval '_tst () { compadd d c b a }'
  comptest $'tst \t'
>line: {tst a }{}

  comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*:tst:*" sort false'
  comptest $'tst \t'
0:no sort
>line: {tst d }{}

  comptesteval 'zstyle ":fzf-tab:*:tst:*" fzf-flags -n 1,2'
  comptest $'tst \t'
  comptesteval 'zstyle -d ":fzf-tab:*:tst:*" fzf-flags'
0:multi select
>line: {tst c d }{}

  comptest $': *\t'
>line: {: dir1 dir2 file1 file2 }{}

  comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*:warnings" format "<WARN>%d</WARN>"'
  comptest $': asd\t'
>line: {: asd}{}

# enclose ' for syntax highlight

  comptesteval "touch 'abc def'"
  comptest $': ./a\t'
0:filename with space
>line: {: ./abc\ def }{}

  comptest $': ./abdef\C-b\C-b\C-b\t'
0:complete in word
>line: {: ./abc\ def }{}

  comptest $': ./abc def\C-b\C-b\C-b\C-b\t'
  comptesteval "rm 'abc def'"
0:complete in word(with known bug)
>line: {: ./abc\ def}{ def}

  comptesteval 'mkdir -p abc/def/hij abc/dfe/hij'
  comptest $': ./a/d/h\t'
  comptesteval 'rm -rd abc'
0:nested directory
>line: {: ./abc/def/h}{}

  comptesteval '_tst() { a=(a); _describe "group1" a; a=(b); _describe "group2" a }'
  comptest $'tst \t'
0:multi headers
>line: {tst a }{}

  comptest $'git add dir1\t'
0:add empty word
>line: {git add dir1/}{}

  comptesteval "zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'"
  comptesteval "touch vim.coc"
  comptest $': coc\t'
  comptesteval "rm vim.coc; zstyle -d ':completion:*' matcher-list"
>line: {: vim.coc }{}

  comptesteval $'cd dir1'
  comptest $': ../d\t'
  comptesteval $'cd ..'
>line: {: ../dir1/}{}

  comptest $': $PWD/d\t'
>line: {: $PWD/dir1/}{}

  comptesteval 'echo no > called'
  comptesteval "touch 'dir\`echo yes > called\`'"
  comptest $': d\t'
  echo called:$(<called)
  comptesteval "rm 'dir\`echo yes > called\`' called"
0:don''t expand file name
>line: {: dir1/}{}
>C1:{dir`echo yes > called`}

  comptesteval "zstyle ':fzf-tab:*' debug-command true"
  comptest $': d\t'
  comptesteval "zstyle ':fzf-tab:*' debug-command $ZTST_srcdir/select -n 1 -h '\$#headers' -q '\"\$query\"'"
0:cancel completion
>line: {: d}{}

  comptesteval "zstyle ':fzf-tab:*' debug-command $ZTST_srcdir/select -n QUERY -h '\$#headers' -q '\"dragon\"'"
  comptest $': ./d\t'
  comptesteval "zstyle ':fzf-tab:*' debug-command $ZTST_srcdir/select -n 1 -h '\$#headers' -q '\"\$query\"'"
0:use query directly
>line: {: ./dragon}{}

  comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*" menu false'
  comptesteval "local prefix_1=1 prefix_2=1 prenofix_3=1"
  comptest $'echo $pre\t'
  comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*" menu true'
0:parameter completion
>line: {echo $pre}{}

  comptesteval '_tst() { compadd -J packages -X package openpgp-keys-gentoo-release -MERGING-pnpm-bin }'
  comptest $'tst \t'
0:completions starts with dash
>line: {tst }{}
>C1:{package }

  zmodload -ui zsh/zpty