feat(theme): add my port of catppuccin latte

This commit is contained in:
doryan 2024-08-02 23:38:40 +04:00
parent 724a1c25d9
commit 545568b4aa

catppuccin_latte.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
-- this line for types, by hovering and autocompletion (lsp required)
-- will help you understanding properties, fields, and what highlightings the color used for
---@type Base46Table
local M = {}
-- UI
M.base_30 = {
white = "#4c4f69",
black = "#dce0e8", -- usually your theme bg
darker_black = "#E9ECF1", -- 6% darker than black
black2 = "#ccd0da", -- 6% lighter than black
one_bg = "#C2C6D1", -- 10% lighter than black
one_bg2 = "#B1B5C3", -- 6% lighter than one_bg2
one_bg3 = "#9ca0b0", -- 6% lighter than one_bg3
grey = "#888FA5", -- 40% lighter than black (the % here depends so choose the perfect grey!)
grey_fg = "#6C748E", -- 10% lighter than grey
grey_fg2 = "#61697F", -- 5% lighter than grey
light_grey = "#5c5f77",
red = "#d20f39",
baby_pink = "#dc8a78",
pink = "#ea76cb",
line = "#8386a0", -- 15% lighter than black
green = "#40a02b",
vibrant_green = "#00AD83",
nord_blue = "#4f6d7a",
blue = "#1e66f5",
seablue = "#04a5e5",
yellow = "#df8e1d", -- 8% lighter than yellow
sun = "#eb961e",
purple = "#AA71F4",
dark_purple = "#8839ef",
teal = "#179299",
orange = "#fe640b",
cyan = "#209fb5",
statusline_bg = "#DCE0E8",
lightbg = "#CCD0DA",
pmenu_bg = "#A5B0C5",
folder_bg = "#1e66f5",
lavender = "#7287fd",
flamingo = "#dd7878",
maroon = "#e64553",
-- check https://github.com/chriskempson/base17/blob/master/styling.md for more info
M.base_16 = {
base00 = "#eff1f5",
base01 = "#e6e9ef",
base02 = "#ccd0da",
base03 = "#bcc0cc",
base04 = "#acb0be",
base05 = "#4c4f69",
base06 = "#dc8a78",
base07 = "#7287fd",
base08 = "#d20f39",
base09 = "#fe640b",
base0A = "#df8e1d",
base0B = "#40a02b",
base0C = "#179299",
base0D = "#1e66f5",
base0E = "#8839ef",
base0F = "#dd7878"
-- overriding or adding highlights for this specific theme only
-- defaults/treesitter is the filename i.e integration there,
local Style = {
Lifetimes = {
fg = M.base_16.base0D,
italic = true
Macro = {
fg = M.base_30.sun,
Comments = {
Todo = {
fg = M.base_30.seablue,
bg = "none",
italic = true,
Warn = {
fg = M.base_30.sun,
bg = "none",
italic = true,
Err = {
fg = M.base_30.maroon,
bg = "none",
italic = true,
Note = {
fg = M.base_30.vibrant_green,
bg = "none",
italic = true,
Keywords = {
General = {
fg = M.base_16.base0E,
Import = {
fg = M.base_16.base0E,
bold = true,
Function = {
italic = true,
Function = {
fg = M.base_16.base0D,
Types = {
Interface = {
fg = M.base_30.vibrant_green,
Builtin = {
fg = M.base_16.base0E,
Defined = {
fg = M.base_30.sun,
italic = true,
EnumMember = {
fg = M.base_16.base0C,
italic = true,
GenericBracket = {
fg = M.base_30.seablue,
Operators = {
fg = M.base_16.base0C,
M.polish_hl = {
treesitter = {
["@attribute"] = Style.Lifetimes,
["@attribute.builtin"] = Style.Lifetimes,
["@comment.error"] = Style.Comments.Err,
["@comment.warning"] = Style.Comments.Warn,
["@comment.todo"] = Style.Comments.Todo,
["@comment.note"] = Style.Comments.Note,
["@constant"] = {
fg = M.base_16.base09
["@constant.builtin"] = Style.Types.EnumMember,
["@function.macro"] = Style.Macro,
["@function.abstract"] = {
italic = true,
-- ["@local.definition.import"] = Style.Keywords.Import,
["@local.definition.var"] = {
fg = M.base_30.maroon,
["@keyword.import"] = Style.Keywords.Import,
["@keyword"] = Style.Keywords.General,
["@keyword.modifier"] = Style.Keywords.General,
["@keyword.function"] = Style.Keywords.Function,
["@keyword.repeat"] = Style.Keywords.General,
["@local.definition.import"] = Style.Macro,
["@module"] = Style.Macro,
["@operator"] = Style.Operators,
["@punctuation.bracket"] = {
fg = M.base_16.base08,
["@punctuation.special"] = Style.Macro,
["@punctuation.generic.bracket"] = Style.GenericBracket,
["@punctuation.delimiter"] = Style.Operators,
["@property"] = Style.Types.EnumMember,
["@trait"] = Style.Types.Interface,
["@type"] = Style.Types.Defined,
["@type.builtin"] = Style.Types.Builtin,
["@variable.parameter"] = {
fg = M.base_30.maroon,
italic = true,
["@variable.builtin"] = Style.Keywords.General,
["@variable.member"] = {
fg = M.base_16.base05,
-- set the theme type whether is dark or light
M.type = "light" -- "or light"
-- this will be later used for users to override your theme table from chadrc
M = require("base46").override_theme(M, "Catppuccin latte")
return M