Commit Graph

16 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
doryan f88946b507 rename(model): -> 2024-07-19 23:05:55 +04:00
doryan b663859eee remove(type): redundant type definition 2024-07-19 23:04:01 +04:00
doryan 7c16964b83 added table and it needed to fix 2024-04-19 12:03:16 +04:00
doryan b6d0eb0508 ADDED: models and controllers for page "signal reducing"\n TODO: done table for page "signal reducing" 2024-04-19 01:30:51 +04:00
doryan 6e315907bc TO DO: will done table in signal reducing page and write controller for that page 2024-04-18 12:23:13 +04:00
doryan 37a8dfb66b FIXED: clearing inputs bug 2024-04-17 00:06:56 +04:00
doryan a58110a3f8 REFACTOR: clean code and some bug fixed 2024-04-16 21:45:31 +04:00
doryan 48057646a8 changed inputs for second section and implemented Clone and Copy traits for Alignment data structure 2024-04-14 20:13:15 +04:00
doryan04 5687d6773a added inputs components and created page for fifth lab 2024-03-17 21:34:12 +04:00
doryan04 5bd783b75b implemented trait-interface for builders 2024-03-17 00:21:20 +04:00
doryan04 1d62f3810c removed unnecessary mutability for pages and tabs 2024-03-12 23:54:20 +04:00
doryan04 a9626cda4d added pages builder, to do universal traits for builders 2024-03-12 23:49:20 +04:00
doryan04 4c230c090d removed unnecessary module definitions 2024-03-10 12:54:32 +04:00
doryan04 54619cd3f9 Fully refactored project architecture, imports and etc. 2024-03-10 12:35:02 +04:00
doryan04 55b2c4ec56 first commit 2024-02-06 23:35:52 +04:00
doryan04 e18b31eece I begin create a Graph structure 2023-09-17 21:21:14 +04:00